Synonyms: Bigarreau Jaboulay, Bigarreau de Loon, Bigarreau D’Oullins, Early Lyons

It originates from Ulain near Lyon in France, where it was found by the nurseryman Jaboulay in 1822. in our country it is known as “doctor” after the doctor Dr. Jovi Jovanovic, who was the first to introduce this variety to his 80-hectare cherry orchard near Grocka. Today, there are fewer of them in the plantations in Serbia.



Stablo It is a vigorous variety with a wide, round crown. Gives crops well
Oprašivanje Burlat
Sazrevanje End of May, beginning of June
Plod The fruit is medium to large (6 g), heart-shaped, red in color.
Ukus The meat is blood red, firm, juicy, sweet and sour.
Podloga We produce fruit sweet cherry seedlings on the following bases: Prunus mahaleb, wild cherry (Prunus avium), colt