Rose pruning can be divided into spring and summer rose pruning. Pruning roses is one of the most important works of rose care. Spring pruning of roses is done from the beginning of March to mid-April, and summer pruning during the summer, i.e. in the flowering period.

In this article, we will pay attention to the general basics of spring pruning of roses. Pruning depends on many factors: soil fertility, exposure, variety of rose… Some basic principles apply to all roses.

During spring pruning, first remove all damaged, dried and ill shoots, then weak and crooked ones all the way to the base. Shoots that go towards the middle of the bush should also be removed, in order to reduce the unnecessary density and shading of the bush. The parts that are frozen should also be removed up to the first healthy bud facing the outside of the bush.

Rose pruning scissors should have two blades that are well sharpened. The cut when pruning should be oblique and inclined to the opposite side of the first bud. The slope should be gentle.